Memorial for the departed ones


We, the Bordegassos de Vilanova, are an entity with four decades of history. Up to two thousand people have worn the colla's shirt at some moment of their lives.The colla is the people who participate in its daily life, but also the ones who made possible to reach where we are thanks to their contribution.Many of these bordegassos are not among us any more. The colla wants to pay homage to all their members who passed away -because they live in each one of our aletes, and because they will be bordegassos forever.


Isabel Alpuente Jado
Àngel Arroyo Hermoso (Primavera)
Alfred Bages Colet
Josep Maria Bonet Torres (Petit Suís)
Joan Borbonés Carlos
Manel Borrell Bertran
Josep Candela Rovira
Josep Capdet Ametller
Ramon Capdet Montesinos (Moncho)
Josep Ferran Carnicer de la Pardina
Jaume Casanovas i Escussol
Jaume Castelló Ricomà
Màrius Collado Monter
Jesús Contreres Risa (Treres)
Xavier Cruells i Rosset
Emili Cubells Martínez
Phil Day
Senén Domingo Rosell
Xavier Escuain Giménez
Jaume Folch
Pere Font Feliu (Tòful)
Pere Fusté Besalduch
Manel Gálvez Giménez (Mabres)
Jerónimo García (Jero)
Àngels Gil Vallejo
Paqui Gómez
Juan Gómez Alemany
Pedro Felipe Gómez Chacón
Daniel Gómez Martínez (Dani de Castelldefels)
Manel Gómez Vives
J. Guinovart (Guinovart Pare)
Pere Ibáñez Tort
Marcel·lí Jacas
Benet Jasanada Pasamonte (Benitu)
José Jiménez Muñoz
Antonia Lastre Baena
Àngels Maffioli Prat
Manel  Manel Rigual
Joan Josep March
Ramon Martínez Nos
Albert Mauri Brull (Marrà)
Noemí Mínguez
Jordi Mínguez Alonso
Emili Miró Fons
Félix Moreno Ruiz
Agustín Mosquera Barcala
Salvador Musté Sanjuan
Lorenzo N'Zang Mangue
Josep Maria Nin Ruiz
Manel Orriols i Ferret
Esteve Orriols i Sendra
Miquel Orriols Mas
Bonaventura Orriols Sendra (Tura)
Brígida Ortega
Daniel Pacual
Josep  Pagès i Carbonell
Antoni Pujol Roig
Josep Raventós i Graells (Carro)
Marcel·lí Raventós Ventura
Guillermo Resa
Ramon Romeu Belmonte
Francesc Rovira Cucurella (Siscu)
Miquel Rovira i Faje
Josep Maria Ruiz Zamora (Sofro)
Josep Ramon Sabrià Ferrer (Sabri)
Albert Salvany i Bertran
Joan Sans Freixedas (Sans pare)
Joan Soler i Guardiola (Ros de la creu)
Francesc  Surroca
David Thompson (Dave)
Jaume Torrents i Galofré (Vendrellenc)
Alfredo Vallés Colet
Josep Vidal Riembau (Pep Jai)
Pere Virgili Soler


NOTE: This list is not complete. Many of the bordegassos who have left us lost contact with us a long time ago, and maybe we didn't hear from them. Although we checked all the information we have, many names are still missing. If you know about somebody who should be in the list, we will appreciate that you contact us and give us the necessary information.


The Memorial



  The memorial to the departed Bordegassos is located in the entrance garden of the Vilanova i la Geltrú graveyard. Built on a base of "dry stone", a construction method typical from Garraf, it represents the values which have made possible that, during more than four decades, a human group like ours enjoyed continuity.

  It has been created by Josep Antoni Masana Caelles, an artist born in our city in 1961 and winner of several awards. Initially working in paintings on silk, during 2010 he discovered the stone as a vehicle of artistic expression.

  According to his own words, "To erect stones to honour the deceased is an ancient tradition. Remembering the souls that are not physically present any more gives sense to one's own existence. Strenght, courage, balance, and common sense are values solid enough to define the activity of such a strong human group -the work of all together is the way to achieve success. With these stones, we want to pay homage to the people who transmitted us their wisdom, force, courage, balance, and their common sense."


Upcoming Performances

Diada dels Orígens
Sunday 8 September
Migdia , Plaça de les Neus .
With Falcons de Vilanova

Diada Albert Salvany
Tarda.Plaça de les Cols.

Tarda. Passeig de la Fragata.

XXIXè Concurs de Castells
Tarda, Tarraco Arena Plaça de Tarragona.

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